Premier money market

A money market that lives up to its name.

Imagine a flexible account that earn more interest!  With a balance of $10,000 or more there are no monthly service charges, and you can make deposits whenever you like.

Open online

An easy way to earn more. Premier Money Market 4.00% APY guaranteed for 6 months!*

Need a Money Market account so you can earn more? Open your account online in minutes or stop by a location near you.

Already have a Premier Money Market account? Add $10,000 to your existing account to get the bonus rate.

*This bonus rate offer is available for new Premier Money Market (PMM) accounts opened with new money not currently on deposit with Bank Midwest and for existing PMM accounts with an additional minimum deposit of $10,000 in new money (your total balance will earn the bonus rate). $50 minimum deposit. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is a fixed rate for 6 months after account opening. After that, it will become a tiered variable rate account and subject to change. The APY at that time will be based on the balance in the account and the applicable interest rate. Fees may reduce earnings. If balance falls below $10,000 any day of the month, a $10 monthly service charge will be assessed. Some restrictions apply.

  • Checking Icon

    Minimum Opening Deposit


  • Checking Icon

    Minimum Balance to Avoid Monthly Service Charge*


  • Checking Icon

    Monthly Service Charge*


Account Access

  • Use the account’s debit card or online banking to make a maximum of 6 withdrawals per month via ACH, Point of Sale, in person, ATM, telephone, AFT, online, or any other withdrawal or transfer from the account.
  • There is a limit of 6 checks that may post to the account each month.
  • Make online or in-person deposits as often as you like!


Free Account Features

  • Mastercard® debit card
  • Online banking
  • Mobile banking and mobile deposit1
  • Bill pay
  • Online statements2

1There is no fee from Bank Midwest. Connectivity and usage rates may apply. Contact your wireless provider for more details.

2Paper statements optional for $3 per month.

Interest Rates

  • RATE


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  • RATE

    $250,000.00 and up

*Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) effective as of July 22, 2024, and subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings. If balance falls below $10,000 any day of the month, a $10 monthly service charge will be assessed. Account restrictions of up to 6 checks per month and up to 6 withdrawals per month. Includes ACH, Point of Sale, in-person, ATM, telephone, AFT, online or any other withdrawal or transfer from the account. Any withdrawals, transfers or checks over these limits will not automatically post to the account and could result in failed transfers or withdrawals, declined debit card transactions, and returned checks. If the withdrawal restrictions on this account are exceeded on more than an occasional basis, Bank Midwest reserves the right to transfer this account to another interest-bearing account type that does not limit withdrawals.

Earn premium rates

Earn premium interest with our new Premier Money Market account!

Open your money market account online!

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